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Wake up call from
electrosmog expert
Pr Olle Johansson
Appel d’éveil d’un expert en pollutionélectromagnétique
Olle Johansson
is an associated professor of dermatology with the Karolinska Institute
(Unit of Experimental Dermatology - Department of Neuroscience) in Stockholm,
one of the most advanced centers of medical research in Europe.
As an independent expert and fine observer of the health effects of the ever increasing electrosmog
on humans for these last 15 years, Prof. Olle Johansson provides a brilliant summary
in just over 7 minutes over this "pandemic" and the state of continual denial by part of the Establishment.
Co-author of the famous Bioinitiative Report in 2007, a major independent review of some 2000peer reviewed papers on the issue, he also clarifies the difference between access to thetrue knowledge and the one that stems from industry influenced research, sometimes in very subtle ways.Despite a rigorous look, this sort of science, which often flirts with omissions or other sort of deviations, provides a misleading picture of the reality.
This is a wake-up call.
Without you even knowing it and without your consent, you are actually part of a vast experiment which affects your own immunity and the one of your children.
Should we just carry on or give it a halt before the science provides clearer answers ?
Talk to your doctor (who probably has a feeling there‘s something wrong here while remaining mostly ill-informed). Call your political representative (who will most probably try to avoid the issue, saying it is too complex, that the science is unclear or that he is no expert) and let him or her face his or her responsibilities.
And perhaps most importantly, inform your children.
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