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- Mataró, Barcelona, Spain
- LA LUCHA CONTINUA: El Peligro Invisible de las Antenas,Es un Peligro de Verdad.Si callamos Enfermamos.Pero no nos vamos a callar: Vamos Todos a Gritar: !Antenas Fuera de la Ciudad!.
Olle Johansson, Ph.D. 23/11/2013 , Barcelona (Sp) Health Effects of EMF:A Neurocientist's Views.
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The Environmental NGOs called Associació Oikos Ambiental (Mataró (Barcelona) in Spain) offers this website to facilitate public access to information on environmental issues, of the NGOsand other related entities. The Environmental NGOs , Associació Oikos Ambiental, is not responsible for the accuracy and updating information from any other Natural person or Legal personality that appears on the website or referred. The Environmental NGOs , Associació Oikos Ambiental, is not either responsible for the use, by others ,of the information contained in any medium or place. The user access this site by his/her own sole responsibility and so it is stated in order to avoid another sanctioning Decree number 4255/2010 with the reference 155/2010 of May 19, 2010 that The Environmental NGOs , Associació Oikos Ambiental (Mataró (Barcelona) in Spain) obviously was not responsible
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Request to sign SELETUN APPEL to all the scientists of the world. Link below. Thank you.
Campaña Internacional de Sensibilización
Jornadas de Bioarquitectura:11 vídeos a falta de las Ponencias del próximo 27 Septiembre de 2013.
miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013
Concerns student's fatal brain tumour linked to wifi - Yahoo News 1.12pm 18 December, 2013
Concerns student's fatal brain tumour linked to wifi - Yahoo News 1.12pm 18 December, 2013
The death of a young Horowhenua school student from a brain tumour has prompted one school to consider the safety of wifi in its classrooms.
Te Horo School has sent all parents a survey asking for their position on the use of wifi at the school, after a family raised concerns about the radiation effect it could have on children.
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